Saturday, August 23, 2008

Serious Drama in Mrs. Hilary's Neighborhood

I live in a townhome complex on a hill. It is pictured to the left, and that should give you a pretty good grasp of how our homes are laid out. In rows, facing each other. So, let's just say it is pretty easy to be the nosy neighbor, without even really trying, to those who live across the street (or more like the parking lot) from you. This information will come in handy later on in the story. Our complex is mostly made up of young white professionals, some with babies, most without.

This past week, as I was unloading my car from an all-day golf tournament for my job, I heard my neighbor from across the street ask me if I was interested in a new puppy. Now, these neighbors, without sounding super un-PC, are a little different than the rest of our happy little WASP-y and DINK-y family units in the complex. They are a gay couple. I have actually noticed this (you may ask how I noticed it- but just please trust my judgment on this one- I am no novice), and wanted to chat it up and get to know them. But let's just say things have been a little quiet on that front. I simply thought that they were too busy and didn't feel like trying to be friends with any new neighborhood people.

But yesterday was different. I came over, sat on his porch, and we chatted it up like we'd known each other for years. It was really nice. But then we began discussing why we hadn't talked before now. That is when things got interesting. I must preface this by saying that Matt and I are very close friends with our next door neighbors on our left- we have dinner together at least twice a week, usually spontaneously. We grill out on their grill regularly. We go over in our pajamas on Saturday mornings for pancakes and lattes. We chat on the porch, and have keys to each other's homes. Our husbands hang out on their days off and play Zelda. It's pretty serious community. Not to mention, that my neighbor (the guy) grew up on the beach and basically refuses to wear a shirt the majority of the time. So, here is how our conversation went.

Me: "So why haven't you talked to us before? We a pretty friendly bunch."
Neighbor: "Well, my boyfriend is convinced that you guys are swingers."


SWINGERS!!! I don't think I have laughed so hard in a very long time. Mainly because, looking at it from their perspective, I honestly could see how it may be interpreted that way. But I am talking about some serious reverse discrimination here people. Anyway, we ended up concluding our conversation with a tour of his lovely home, and promises to hang out again and have dinner. I will definitely keep you updated.


chickbug said...

lol! what a great story. and fun little neighborhood you have!

Tipp said...

OMG HIL! I am so laughing out loud for you right now. Hilarious!!!!!!! Hilarious! Hilarious!!

I would not have been able to pick my jaw up off the floor.

Tiffy said...

That's hilarious! Looking forward to updates on that. I don't know how I would reacted in that situation.

Rhiannon said...

You would have that story. How funny/weird is this: Nat and I have been hanging out with our next door neighbors a lot--like daily--and we have a gay couple in our neighborhood right across the street, too! Wouldn't it be hilarious if they thought the same thing about us?!