Monday, August 25, 2008

At what point?

I don't know when it happen.

The shift.

I used to take care of these things on my own.

But now, I put a candle over the bug and wait for my husband to come home.


Liz said...

Hahaha! This is totally something I would do. In fact, just last night, I made my roommate come in the kitchen and kill a spider. I just wasn't created to kill bugs!! I'm sure Farmer did an amazing job saving the day!

Rhiannon said...

Didn't we make Farmer kill a bug for us when I was there? Or more than one? I am having momnesia. I wish I could remember where I read that term so I would quit plagiarizing it. It's not my word, but it is my problem. Please remind me of the Farmer Kills A Bug For Us story?

Also, I am able to type this because my darling almost-5 months old is asleep IN HIS CRIB.

DomestiGals said...

Ok, yeah, I think many of us gals are guilty of this one... except my boyfriend is always kinder to bugs than I am! So I'll put the cup over it, he'll come home, and set it free! Ack! Maybe one of these days I will have the guts to kill it first...

Hilary said...

don't feel bad Nic, I've never done that on my own. Matt forces me to kill bugs because he thinks it will somehow "make me stronger". Doesn't work. :)